*Note: square brackets ("[ ]") indicate sections of a command that should be replace with user specific input.
First in your shell navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository, then run:
git clone [repository url] [repository name]
While in directory where your local repository lives:
git checkout [branchName]
If you want to check out a brach from a remote there are two options, in detached head state, or create the branch locally
Detached head:
git checkout [remoteName]/[branchName]
Local branch:
git fetch [remoteName]
git checkout [branchName]
Check the status of your files:
git status
Add files to your commit:
git add [path/fileName]
Or add all:
git add -A
Or interactivally select what to add:
git add -p
Commit the code:
git commit -m "[commit message goes here]"
Push your changes to the remote branch:
git push
In these instructions are written in the context of having two different remotes, "upstream" being the main repository for an app and "origin" being a fork of that app.
Make sure you are on your local master/trunk/main branch then fetch the remote you are updating from:
git fetch upstream
Now we are going to rebase the branch we are on with our local master/trunk/main branch:
git rebase upstream/master
Then update the origin master/trunk/main branch:
git push origin/master
In some cases if the branches have drifted or the history was rewritten you might need to force push:
git push origin/master --force-with-lease
Get the repo url for the new remote from github
git remote add [remoteName] [remoteURL]
Then we will want to check and make sure remote was successfully added
git remote -v
After a remote has been added:
git remote rename [currentRemoteName] [newRemoteName]
Create your branch locally then:
git push --set-upstream [remoteName] [branchName]
See the difference in file changes you have made so far. From your working directory:
git diff
If you would like to exclude white space changes:
git diff -w